Easter will be here in just a few short weeks, and we will be gathering for good food with friends and family. If you’d like to include your dog in your Easter celebration, but aren’t sure what foods are safe for him (outside his regular chow and treat menu), let us help.
Here is a basic list of what is and isn’t’ acceptable for Fido from your dinner table, whether it’s Easter or any other day.
What Veggies Can My Dog Eat Safely?
There are plenty of veggies that your dog can safely eat, just be aware of the seasonings they contain.
Your dog should not eat:
- Onions
- Garlic
- Sour Cream
- Scallions
- Cheese
- Avocados
You can safely let him eat:
- Carrots
- Cucumbers
- Zucchini
- Lettuce
- Bell Peppers
- Corn (Cut off the cob)
- Celery
- Green Beans
- Broccoli
- Asparagus
- Cauliflower
- Hard Winter Squash
Wow! Lots of choices for him. Keep in mind to avoid alcohol and too much sugar with any of those options.
Well, What About Fruits?
According to PetMd, your dog should avoid:
- Grapes
- Raisins
However, he can enjoy:
- Cantaloupe
- Watermelon
- Blueberries
- Bananas
- Oranges
The fruit should be seedless, so remove them before feeding to your pooch, (or choose seedless options). Also, avoid giving him any fruit with a pit inside as well. (Swallowed whole or chewed into bits, they could hurt his mouth and/or tummy.)
What Else Can My Dog Eat from the Easter Table?
Dogs need and crave protein, so meat is a great treat for him to eat. Try to avoid the ones that come with some meats. Bones can be chewed into sharp edges that may hurt his mouth and/or insides.
If you feed him turkey or chicken, leave out the skin. With mashed potatoes, leave out any sour cream or cheese; and plain pasta or brown rice are great options.
Avoid macadamia nuts, xylitol and of course, chocolate. On rare occasions a hot dog is okay, but it’s not the best option according to the experts.
Any Ideas for Making Easter Food Fun For My Dog?
If you’d like to have some fun with Easter treats for your dog, try freezing applesauce and giving it to Fido. Or, you can freeze fruit or veggies to give him some work to get to them. Both of those are cool treats for him to enjoy in warmer weather as well.
Then, you can try putting snacks into a Kong toy so he has to work at extracting it. He will keep busy with getting to the treats and enjoy the reward.
Cheers to a fun and safe Easter for you and your dog!