Games To Play On The Beach With Your Dog!

Games to Play on the Beach with your Dog!

It’s that time of year again where the weather is warm, the waves are crashing and the weekends are better spent on the beach!

Question for you: Have you ever taken your dog to the beach? No??? Well, fun times are ahead for you and your four-legged friend.

Most dogs love the beach as much as most people. That’s a winning combination! Sooo, what do you do on the beach with your dog?

Here are just a few ideas for you and Fido – have fun!

Race to the shore

This is a simple game that will be easy for your dog to follow, and easy for them to get worn out from. Your dog will have a ton of rambunctious energy upon arriving at the beach, so get them to expend some of that by playing a proverbial game of tag with the waves crashing in.

Play Fetch

If you do intend to play fetch with your dog on the beach, try investing in an automatic ball fetcher. These glorified pitching assistants will chuck tennis balls without tiring you out. Your dog will thank you later, once he’s had his fill, he’ll be wanting to curl up by your side and enjoy the nice sea breeze.

Work on Dog Training

Take this opportunity to train your dog while on the beach. This is perfect for getting them accustomed to commands from afar. You can utilize a long distance leash to try to get them to heel from afar, stay from afar.

It might take a while, but it is always worth the effort to train your dog while in public places to learn how to listen to your commands. Also, if your dog does ever decide to run away, have treats on-hand if they respond to your commands from long distances.

Even though they ran away on their own accord, they do deserve some reward for responding to your calls.


Doggy surfing, you say? Why, yes, that is an actual thing. While we do recommend finding special dog surfing instructors, you can try to do it yourself with careful practice and following guides online.

Most dogs love the water, so it will just take a little time and patience before they’re on the board like a pro. Have plenty of treats on hand to encourage them to keep climbing on the board.

Play Hide and Seek

Play hide and go get it with your dog by using their favorite toy as buried treasure. To get them excited about digging, demonstrate digging up spots that you have marked off using either another toy or something that works like a flag pole. Once they’ve gotten the idea and start digging with you, then you can pick a time when they’re preoccupied with something else to bury their toy for an exciting discovery for later.

Sound like fun? You bet it does. These fun games will be sure to entertain your dog for hours on the beach. The result will be a strengthened bond, many happy memories and a very good night sleep. Just don’t overdo it, ok?

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