It’s a new year, and therefore, a new you. Whatever happened last year is in the past, and now it’s time to focus on the present. If you’re feeling guilty because maybe you didn’t give your dog enough walks or exercise last year, or enough love and attention, now it’s time to change!
Let’s look at 3 of the most popular New Year’s resolutions to make with your dog in order to keep them both happy and healthy.
Get Active!
Although this is probably the most popular New Year’s resolution, it’s one of the most important. Nothing is more important than your health, so why not get in shape with your canine companion? Exercising alone is no fun, but you and your pooch will have a blast hitting the town together.
The best way to get in shape, is to have an exercise schedule. Pick out a couple days and times during the week that you can dedicate to taking your dog on a nice long walk. To make this more interesting, you can even plan out the routes you walk.
So maybe one day you can walk to a nearby dog park, and on another day you two can hit a local hiking trail. The possibilities are endless! As long as you’re sticking to your schedule and keeping it interesting for both you and your pup, you’ll be on your way to getting tough and toned.
Make Your Vet Your Pet’s Best Friend!
While this is probably wishful thinking, you most certainly should try. Just like how regular Doctor’s visits are good for humans, regular Veterinarian visits are important for animals. There are so many cases of pets developing diseases with hard to read symptoms where the owners didn’t even know anything was wrong until it was too late.
I don’t want this to happen to you!
Save yourself the heartache, and take your pet to get regular checkups just to make sure everything is okay with them. Many diseases, if caught early enough, can be prevented.
Most experts say that taking your dog to the vet once a year is standard, but twice is recommended. So if you haven’t scheduled your pet’s next Vet appointment, now is the time to do it.
Discover Someplace New
If you’re like me, you LOVE to travel. Well guess what? I bet your dog does too. So why not take them with you on your next adventure? Popular dog friendly destinations include family road trips or a serene camping trip. You and your dog will love getting out of the house and seeing what the world has to offer. Plus your dog will enjoy getting to experience lots of new wildlife, nature, and smells.
There are plenty of websites that can help you plan out your trip, find a cheap hotel, and even find airfare if you plan to fly. Also consider looking into what travel essentials you should pack, and of course, don’t forget your pup’s supplies. While they’ll enjoy seeing somewhere new, comforts of home including their food and water bowls, regular food, treats, toys, etc. will help them stay happy and calm.
Whatever you Decide to Do, Make It Meaningful
The New Year is such a wonderful time because it helps people change and grow. I want to see that happen to you as well. It’s important to make New Year’s resolutions that you want to stick to, and that mean something to you.
As pet owners, we are always trying to better ourselves for our pets.
I truly believe that the best ways you can enrich your pet’s lives is to give them more exercise, more play time, and to make sure they are healthy and safe. I promise you that your pets will LOVE you for it.
Cheers to the New Year!